CEP-Practicum Training



I appreciate your interest in the New Mexico State University Aggie Health & Wellness Center’s training programs. Our training programs are designed to facilitate the transition from student to professional through clinical experiences, consultation/seminars, and supervision. We create an atmosphere conducive to a counselor’s learning and development through an appropriate balance of support and challenge.

Our practicum program accepts students from the New Mexico State University’s Counseling Psychology and Clinical Mental Health programs. Our culturally and professionally diverse training staff is committed to providing quality training for our counselors. Our staff represents various theoretical orientations and is committed to delivering multiculturally sensitive clinical and training experiences. Our center offers individual and group counseling, outreach, consultation, and crisis intervention to the university community.

Please email the practicum facilitator, Dr. Alejandro Cervantes, at dro@nmsu.edu for information about applying to our program and application deadlines.

I look forward to receiving your application and wish you success in the application process.


Alejandro Cervantes, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist


Description of the practicum programs at the Aggie Health & Wellness Center

The practicum training programs are an integral part of the mission of New Mexico State University’s Aggie Health & Wellness Center (AHWC), and the entire professional and support staff are involved in the supervision and training of our psychologists and counselors in training. We prepare trainees to function competently as counselors in training. We aim to help develop competent, highly ethical, and culturally sensitive counselors. Therefore, the practicum programs are described as and seek to do the following:


1. The program follows a practitioner-scholar professional training model, emphasizing experiential learning. As a practitioner-scholar model that infuses multiculturalism and social justice practices, the trainee applies knowledge gained from scholarly and scientific evidence to clinical practice while also engaging in the study of the science of psychology and counseling. In addition, the training staff provides various clinical and supervision orientations.


2. The practicum training program/master intern program is a time to develop professional skills and identity as a counselor. The program offers training in various areas related to the counseling profession. We provide an atmosphere conducive to learning by providing trainees with an appropriate blend of support and challenge. We see trainees as emerging professionals and give them a balance of autonomy and structure. At the same time, we provide the professional and emotional support necessary to ensure you reflect on your strengths and growth areas. We require all trainees to learn, take initiative, and take responsibility for their growth and development.


3. Evaluation and feedback are essential to the training program experience. Clinical supervisors, group supervisors, and training staff members evaluate and provide feedback to trainees twice each semester (at mid-term and again at the end of the semester). This feedback focuses on the development and progress of each trainee, with the focus always being on helping trainees identify areas of strength and areas for growth. Trainees, in turn, provide ongoing feedback throughout the program and evaluate their clinical supervisors and the training program at the end of each semester.


4. Depending on their contract, trainees will have the opportunity to engage in the multiple roles of working at a counseling center, which includes counseling services (individual and group therapy), assessment, crisis intervention, referral, consultation, outreach workshops, training seminars, and professional development. The contract delineates the roles and responsibilities of the trainee, the primary supervisor, and the practicum facilitator to ensure you meet the competencies required by the AHWC and your immediate program. Note that this practicum focuses on individual psychotherapy, and the possibility of you engaging in multiple roles is contingent upon successful completion of the individual psychotherapy training requirements. As such, engaging in various roles is considered a privilege and is thus amendable.


Professional Ethics

Trainees are expected to follow ethical guidelines and principles established by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA). They must know and adhere to pertinent New Mexico laws governing professional practice. All trainees must keep ALL client information confidential as law and the APA/ACA ethics codes require. Ethical issues are presented as a component of the trainee’s individual and group supervision, consultation, or seminar. Ethical issues are also integrated into all service delivery discussions and training opportunities.